Foot Pain and Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
Some cases of plantar fasciitis can linger for months, with pain increasing and decreasing in an irregular pattern.If plantar fasciitis symptoms are not treated quickly, there is a very big possibility that the condition may deteriorate, and they can also develop further and lead to problems throughout the body, caused by the enforced change in body posture. Knee, foot, back or hip problems are common
It's not surprising that plantar fasciitis occurs fairly frequently as the plantar fascia is not very receptive to stretching, and yet stretching occurs in the fascia nearly every time the foot hits the ground.
Plantar fasciitis is often associated with a change in activity, using worn-out shoes, individuals with flat feet and also those with high arches. Stretching is often recommended, as are soft tissue massage, decreasing training, purchasing better-fitting shoes, using special insoles.
As is the case with any injury, you have to understand why plantar fasciitis cropped up before you can really rehab.
You also need to increase the strength and resiliency of the plantar fascia and the other muscles and connective tissues of the foot - and stabilize and strengthen the entire leg - before you can expect to stay away from plantar fasciitis in the future.
The treatment for this injury in the acute stage is with soft tissue massage whilst stretching the facia, combined with trigger therapy of the foot and deep massage of the leg muscles. Followed with specific ongoing exercises.
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